[预告]05.13资源学院讲座《Alpine treeline ecology》
主题: Alpine treeline ecology
时间: 2016年05月13日(星期五) 9:30-11:00
地点: 京师科技大厦B座520报告厅(学院南路12号)
主讲人: Christian Körner 教授
Christian Körner,瑞士巴塞尔大学植物研究所教授,德国科学院和奥地利科学院院士、印度国家科学院外籍院士。长期从事高山林线植物水分利用、光合作用等方面研究。曾任国际生物多样性计划(DIVERSITAS)全球高山植物多样性评估委员会主席、国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP)全球变化和陆地生态系统项目主管。在国际著名学术刊物上发表论文320余篇,被引用逾14000次。撰写了《Alpine Plant Life》《Alpine Treelines》等经典专著。曾任国际三大生态学期刊之一Oecologia主编,SCIENCE、Global Change Biology等期刊编委。
The evolutionary causes and mechanisms of tree phenology will be reviewed. Then phenology in a freezing resistance and biodiversity context will brought in. Tree species range limits are controlled by the interaction of phenology and stress resistance will be shown. Why are tree stopping to grow, where many other plant species still grow well, high above the alpine treeline? The global treeline position and explain its cause and potential response to climatic change will be documented. Topics will be climatology and aerodynamics, carbon limitation versus constraints in xylem formation, recruitment and stress resistance.