研究生名师讲堂--李耀国教授《Applied Geophysical inversion in potential-field methods》课程
应地球物理与信息技术学院孟小红教授和李淑玲副教授的邀请,美国科罗拉多矿院的李耀国教授来我校进行学术交流,并讲授《Applied Geophysical inversion in potential-field methods》课程。
选课时间: 2015 年5月19-5月23日
主 讲 人: 李耀国教授
助课教师: 李淑玲
时间 | 主题 | 地点 |
5月22日星期五 上午8:30-11:30 | 1)Introduction to geophysical data interpretation by inversion; 2)Basics of geophysical inversion; 3)Inversion as a data processing tool; | 科研楼211 |
5月22日星期五 下午2:30-5:30 | 1)3D potential-field inversion; 2)Recent and current topics in the potential-field methods; 3)Examples in time-lapse gravity monitoring; | |
5月23日星期六 上午8:30-11:30 | Writing and publishing in international scientific journals | 科研楼204 |
5月23日星期六 下午2:30-5:30 | Discussions, and question & answers |
课程简介: This short course consists of two parts: (1) applied geophysical inversion in potential field methods and associated applications, and (2) academic publishing within the context of applied geophysics. The first part is designed to give students and young geophysicists an overview of the current state of art of the applied geophysical inversion and its application to the quantitative interpretation of gravity and magnetic data, whereas the second part focuses on how to write for international scientific journals in English.
The applied geophysical inversion has become ubiquitous in the interpretation of geophysical data, especially for methods based on static and quasi-static fields such as electrical, electromagnetic, gravity, and magnetic methods. This is because the information about the subsurface is commonly scrambled in the observed data. Inversions are required to unravel the signals in the data so as to obtained location specific information. Furthermore, inversion techniques have been extended as effective tools to data processing in recent years. This extension is prompted by the increased demand on data quality required in the quantitative interpretation. The first part of the short course will provide a brief overview of different aspects and applications of applied geophysical inversions in the potential fields and will present illustrations through applications in exploration and production problems.( 具体课程内容安排见附件 )
李耀国教授简介: 美国科罗拉多矿业学院地球物理系副教授,现任科罗拉多矿院重磁电研究中心主任,GEOPHYSICS和INTERPRETATION国际期刊副编辑。他于1983年毕业于武汉地质学院,于1992年获得加拿大University of British Columbia博士学位。主要研究方向:地球物理位场反演理论与方法研究、以矿产和能源勘探监测为目标的重磁电反演算法研究、地质-地球物理联合反演解释等,在地球物理反演领域享有很高声誉,发表论文60余篇。基于他的学术研究成果,开发了多个在工业界广泛使用的三维地球物理反演软件。目前被选为第11期EAGE Education Tour (EET 11) 巡回讲座者,将于2015年6月在欧洲开讲。
附件: 20150519194201562756.pdf (57.039062KB)11:02 20.05.2015 地质大学
15:04 19.05.2015 地质大学