[预告]06.11国际价值哲学论坛系列讲座之十一《Evolutionary Psychology and the Development of Conscience》
主讲人: Prof. John Hare, PhD
邀请人: 瞿旭彤 博士
讲座题目: Evolutionary Psychology and the Development of Conscience
讲座语言: 英语
讲座时间: 6月11日周四15:30-17:30
讲座地点: 主楼A805
普林斯顿大学(1975年),现为耶鲁大学神学院Noah Porter哲学神学教授。曾求学于牛津大学、耶鲁大学和普林斯顿大学,曾任教于加尔文学院(Calvin College)和理海大学(Lehigh University)。主要作品有God and Morality: A Philosophical History (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007);Why Bother Being Good? (InterVarsity Press, 2002);The Moral Gap (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996);Plato's Euthyphro (Bryn Mawr, 1981)。
The paper distinguishes four main views that evolutionary psychologists have taken about the relation between our primate ancestry and the foundations of ethics. The first view is that evolution has given us a set of moral capacities that are limited to parochial attachment, and that any morality (like Kant's) that goes beyond these limits towards a universal morality is incoherent. The second view is anti-realist about value, and about God, arguing that we can learn from our status as evolved that there are no objectively prescriptive moral demands upon us, and that the sense of any such demand is an illusion, though useful for our survival and reproduction. The third view is that there is indeed a gap between what morality now demands and how we originally evolved, but that our evolutionary situation itself gives us by extrapolation a method for how to bridge this gap. The fourth view is that we receive the moral demand from God, but that it is demand that fits our evolutionary heritage, and tells us which parts of that heritage to accept and which to try to control.