研究生名师讲堂—Jean-Claude Thill教授“Take Luck out of Publishing in an Indexed Journal”
应信息工程学院周长兵副教授邀请,美国北卡大学夏洛特分校Jean-Claude Thill教授将来我校进行学术交流,并做学术报告。具体安排如下:
题 目: Take Luck out of Publishing in an Indexed Journal
时 间: 2015年01月21日(星期三)下午15:00-17:30
地 点: 教三楼203会议室
报告人简介: Jean-Claude Thill美国北卡大学夏洛特分校地理与地球科学系特聘教授,曾供职于水牛城大学、纽约州立大学以及佐治亚大学。现任Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (SCI检索,影响因子:1.520)国际期刊的总主编、International Journal of Society Systems Science的美国编辑、Networks and Spatial Economics在GIS领域的编辑,国际区域科学协会副主席。研究方向包括社会经济组织的空间尺度,尤其在交通运输与移动系统之间的联系,城市用地、城市形态和功能等方面有突出贡献。
报 告 摘 要 :Publishing in an index journal is increasingly held as a gold standard for accomplishments in academia worldwide. Publishing your work in an index journal does not just happen by chance. Scientifically valid research is necessary but not sufficient. The lecture is a crash course on planning your publishing career and strategically tailoring your writing to get it published where it deserves to be shared. General principles of sound publishing practices as well as concrete advice will be discussed.