研究生名师讲堂—美国夏洛特北卡罗琳娜大学唐文武助理教授“The Use of CyberGIS for Large-Scale Spatial Problem-solving: Coupling Spatial and Computational Thinkings”

23.12.2014  15:41



题 目: The Use of CyberGIS for Large-Scale Spatial Problem-solving: Coupling Spatial and Computational Thinkings

时  间: 2014年12月26日(星期五)下午15:00-17:30

地  点: 教三楼203室


报告人简介: 唐文武,美国夏洛特北卡罗琳娜大学地理与地球科学系助理教授,应用地理信息科学中心执行主任,夏洛特北卡洛琳娜大学NVIDIA CUDA研究中心主任。他是美国爱荷华大学的博士,曾在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的美国国家超算应用中心从事博士后研究工作。研究兴趣包括信息化基础设施与高性能计算,基于代理的建模,和陆地变迁建模。


报告摘要 :CyberGIS driven by the emerging cyberinfrastrucature technologies has been playing an important role in enabling and facilitating complex spatial problem-solving. I will focus on a coupling approach that combines spatial and computational thinkings to provide support for large-scale spatial analysis and modeling facing big data challenges. I discuss this CyberGIS coupling approach in breadth and depth. An example of parallel large-scale spatial statistical analysis, driven by General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU), is detailed to highlight the significance of the coupled CyberGIS approach for resolving big spatial data challenges.




