[预告]06.10系统理论进展系列讲座:The secrets of swarm architecture: deciphering construction rules in ant colonies
题目: The secrets of swarm architecture: deciphering construction rules in ant colonies
时间: 2016年6月10日周五,14:00
地点: 英东教育楼217会议室
主讲人: Guy Theraulaz 教授
Guy Theraulaz ,法国国家科学研究院及图卢兹三大教授。长期从事动物群体和社会中的集群行为背后的行为和认知机制研究,包括蚁群、鱼群、机器人群体等,是该领域顶尖学者之一。目前共发表包括1篇Nature、2篇PNAS等高水平期刊共160多篇,谷歌学术引用次数高达19897次,其中最高单篇引用6658次,H指数为50.
The amazing ability of social insects to solve everyday-life problems, also known as «swarm intelligence» has received a considerable attention the past twenty years. One of the most famous feats of insect societies is their ability to build impressive nest architectures. Not only their characteristic scale is typically much larger than the size of individual insects but some of these nests can also be highly complex. The amazing evolution of construction techniques used by ants, bees and termites has provided a whole set of innovations in terms of architectural designs that proved to be efficient to solve problems as various as controlling nest temperature, ensuring gas exchanges with the outside environment or adapting nest architecture to growing colony size. The big question is: how these efficient designs emerge from the combination of millions of local building actions performed by individual workers? And how do insects interact with each other to coordinate their building actions? We then developed a 3D model implementing the mechanisms detected on the individual level and showed that they correctly explain the construction dynamics and the spatial patterns observed at the collective level for various conditions. Our model showed that the evaporation rate of a building pheromone was a highly influential parameter on the shape transition of the resulting structures. The model also revealed that complex helicoidal structures connecting nearby chambers emerge from a constant remodeling process of the nest architecture.