题目: Ethics and Religion in Autobiography
时间: 2016年6月20日—7月1日
地点: 后主楼1020,914
主讲人: Professor John Barbour
Professor John Barbour is a Professor of Religion, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, USA since 1994, Martin Marty Regents Chair of Religion and the Academy from 2004-08, Boldt Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Humanities in 2012. Professor Barbour is also co-editor of Studies in Religion and Culture series (The University of Virginia Press, 2011-); steering Committee of Arts, Literature, and Religion Section of American Academy of Religion, 1987-90, 2007-09; external reviewer for tenure and promotion candidates of The University of Chicago, Davidson College, Bowdoin College, Temple University, Rutgers University, University of Northern Iowa, University of San Francisco, University of South Carolina, University of Virginia; Referee for book manuscripts for the University of Chicago Press, Oxford University Press, Pennsylvania State University Press, Blackwell, Wadsworth, University of North Carolina Press, Scholars Press, Cornell University Press, University of Virginia Press; Referee for essays for The Journal of Religion, The Journal of the American Academy of Religion and Literature and Theology.
This short course explores the ways autobiography raises ethical and religious issues. We focus on American texts written in the last fifty years, except for one day devoted to a classic nineteenth century work, Thoreau’s Walden, and a day on Gosse’s outstanding family memoir Father and Son. Each time, there will be lecture and discussion of one autobiographical text and one critical essay that deals with an ethical question related to the text. Among the issues we will explore are the portrayal of conversion and deconversion (loss of faith); racial identity in America; secrets and the privacy of family members; the struggle and survival of a Native American spiritual tradition; the author’s search for both individuality and community; religious identity and cultural critique; and the uses of life narratives in bioethics and medicine. We will study how the literary strategies and creativity of autobiography raise religious questions, imply convictions and doubts, and reveal ethical concerns.
1. Introduction: Conversion and Deconversion ( 6月20日下午2:00-4:30, 后主楼 1020)
2. Race and Religion (1) (6月21日下午 2:00-4:30, 后主楼914)
3. Privacy and the Family Memoir (1) (6月22日下午3:20—5:50, 后主楼1020)
4. The Ethics of Solitude (6月23日下午 2:00—4:30, 后主楼1020)
5. A Christian Conversion Story: Beyond the Conservative/Liberal Polarity (6月24日下午2:00-4:30, 后主楼1020)
6. A Native American Spiritual Autobiography (6月29日下午3:20-5:50, 后主楼1020)
7. Race and Religion (2), and The Family Memoir (2) (6月30日下午2:00-4:30, 后主楼1020)
8. Autobiography and Bioethics. (7月1日上午8:30-11:00, 后主楼1020)