主讲人: Prof. Dr. Dr Daniel H. Williams
邀请人: 瞿旭彤 博士
讲座题目: The Shared Ethical Ground of the Logos by Ancient Greeks, Jews and Christians
讲座时间: 6月1日周一9:30-11:30
讲座地点: 前主楼A805
多伦多大学哲学博士(1991年),美国Baylor University宗教学系教授,山东大学古希腊思想研究中心联合主任,主要研究领域为教父学和历史神学。著有Tradition, Scripture and Interpretation: A Sourcebook of the Ancient Church (Baker Academic Books, 2006,已译为汉语:《重拾教父传统》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2011); Evangelicals and Tradition: The Formative Influence of the Early Church (Baker Academic Books, 2005); Ambrose of Milan and the End of the Nicene Arian Conflicts (Oxford University Press, 1995)等多部作品。
Beginning with Greek thought, the concept of the Logos operated as the principle of rationality within man and nature. The entire universe was imbued with an immanent Logos, a reality that carried many implications for regarding the world as an orderly and just place. The Meaning of the term was greatly expanded upon by various schools of philosophy but especially by Hellenistic Judaism. The polysemic quality of the Logos reaches its zenith in the Christian appropriation of the term as applied to the Logos of God. In this context, the intellectual “career” of the Logos now takes on a whole new dimension of personhood that deepened its scope philosophically, and provided Jewish and Christian thought with a critical tool for explaining the communicative relation of God to creation and all men. Eventually, the Logos will become the very epitome of understanding the divine act in the world.