
08.05.2015  18:45

  时间: 2015年05月12日(星期二),10:00-12:00

  地点: 京师科技大厦B座520会议室

  主题: 东亚气候变化:对全球气候变化的响应与反馈

  主讲人: 杨  崧  教授


  杨崧,中山大学教授、环境科学与工程学院学术委员会主席及副院长、地球气候与环境系统研究院院长,兼任《气象学报》常务编委、《Journal of Meteorological Research》编委、《Journal of Climate》副编辑等。

  杨崧教授是我国大气科学界第一位放弃国外终身职务的国家“千人计划”特聘教授,在区域气候对全球气候变化的响应和反馈作用、全球季风、大气-海洋-陆地相互作用和气候可预报性等领域取得了许多有重要影响的研究成果。到目前为止,杨崧教授已发表学术论文120多篇,累计被引用约6000次,其中最高单篇引用约1200次,是爱思唯尔(Elsevier)公布的2014 年地球和行星科学领域中国高被引学者之一。


  El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the large-scale Asian monsoon are the two important systems/phenomena that exert significant impacts on the world's climate. In the past decades, both ENSO and the monsoon have experienced long-term changes, leading to climate change signals over Southeast Asia and its adjacent regions. However, the climate over Southeast Asia and its adjacent regions is also influenced by other factors. On the other hand, the signals of the regional climate change also influence larger-scale climate. Advanced tools are applied to reveal the characteristics, processes, and causes of the regional climate change. Various feedback processes and predictability of the regional climate change and the physical mechanisms for the influence of the regional climate change on larger-scale climate are also discussed.
