
05.01.2017  20:33
  演讲人: 柳秀峰(美国)

        地点: 英东学术会堂二楼演讲厅

        时间: 2017年1月11日上午9:00

  Biography: Xiufeng Liu is Professor of Science Education and Director of Center for Educational Innovation, University at Buffalo, State University of New York.  He obtained his Master’s degree from East China Normal University in 1986 and PhD from University of British Columbia in 1993. Before his current position, he taught high school chemistry in China, and was a tenured faculty member at St. Francis Xavier University and University of Prince Edward Island, both in Canada. Dr. Liu has authored and co-authored more than 100 refereed publications including 10 books (e.g., Using and developing measurement instruments in science education: A Rasch modeling approach, 2010, Information Age Publishing, and Essentials of Science Classroom Assessment, 2009, Sage Publications); he has also received funding as PI and co-PI for more than $16 Million from such agencies as the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  Dr. Liu is a past NARST board member and an immediate past associate editor for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 