An Introduction of Generalizability Theory and Applications
北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心将邀请美国爱荷华大学的Robert L. Brennan教授和美国ACT中心的高晓虹老师开设概化理论和应用(An Introduction of Generalizability Theory and Applications)讲座。具体信息如下:
Generalizability theory liberalizes and extends classical test theory. In particular, generalizability theory enables an investigator to disentangle multiple sources of measurement error through the application of analysis of variance procedures to assess the dependability of measurements. The primary goals of this workshop are to enable participants to understand the basic principles of generalizability theory, to learn some simple designs, and to interpret the results of such analyses.
9月19日(星期一) 下午 2:00至4:00
9月20日(星期二) 下午 2:00至4:00
讲座地点: 北京师范大学京师学堂B1第一会议室
报名方式: 选课学员请将姓名、专业、邮箱信息发送至 [email protected] ,以便领取课程阅读材料及获知相关信息。
咨询方式: 协同中心人才培养部 58800591