
15.01.2018  18:00

1月12日下午,由校学术委员会主办,科学技术发展研究院、科学技术协会承办的北京化工大学2018新年学术报告会在科学会堂举办。新年学术报告会邀请了美国工程院院士Thomas P. Russell教授、中国科学院院士杨万泰教授做主题报告。全体在京校领导出席报告会,校学术委员会成员、机关各部门及各学院师生代表500余人到场。新年学术报告会由谭天伟校长、王峰副校长主持。

Thomas P. Russell教授报告主题为“Structuring Liquids”,他在报告中阐述了利用流体的表面界面性质,制造具有液体的动力学和流动性的均匀的固体材料,可以用于分离双连续相流体、新型密封材料或液体电荷传输系统等领域,同时在报告中阐述了原位生成液/液界面组装的纳米颗粒表面活性剂,最后介绍了界面组装的超薄聚合物薄片的典型应用。杨万泰院士的报告主题为“问题导向—高分子化学领域四十年学习/研究”,他声情并茂的回顾了自己的求学和科学研究生涯,讲述了在高分子材料聚合和聚烯烃等多层次表面功能化方面的几次重要探索和研究心得,最后杨院士鼓励青年教师和在校研究生,要无惧失败,着重锻炼发现和解决问题的能力,保持持之以恒的探索和创新精神。





Thomas P. Russell

The Silvio O. Conte Distinguished Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, received his PhD in 1979 in Polymer Science and Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He was a Research Associate at the University of Mainz (1979-1981), a Research Staff Member at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, CA (1981-96) and became a Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (1997).

He is currently at the Materials Science Division in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a Visiting Faculty, an Adjunct Professor at the Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and a lead PI at the Advanced Institute of Materials Research at Tohoku University.

His research interests include the surface and interfacial properties of polymers, phase transitions in polymers, directed self-assembly processes, the use of polymers as scaffolds and templates for the generation of nanoscopic structures, the interfacial assembly of nanoparticles, the influence of supercritical fluids on phase transitions and dynamics in polymer thin films, and wrinkling and crumpling behavior of thin polymer films. He was the Director of the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center from (1996-2009) and the Director of the Energy Frontier Research Center on Polymer-Based Materials for Harvesting Solar Energy (2009-2014) and is a lead PI in the WPI-Advanced Institute of Materials Research at Tohoku University (2006-presen), the Global Research Laboratory at Seoul National University (2005-2015), and the Beijing Advanced Innovation Center on Soft Matter (2016-present).He has over 720 publications, 25 patents and edited 5 books. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, Materials Research Society, Neutron Scattering Society of America, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Chemical Society, Polymer Materials Science and Engineering Division. He has received the Polymer Physic Prize of the APS, the Cooperative Research Award of the ACS, the Dutch Polymer Award, the ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science, Society of Polymer Science Japan International Award, and is an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering. He has an h-index of 132.



1956年10月出生,1982年毕业于清华大学化工系(化71班,高分子化工专业),1985年于北京化工学院获硕士学位并留校工作至今。期间于1993-1996年在瑞典皇家理工学院进修/学习获博士学位。1993年被评选为北京市高等学校(青年)学科带头人,1999年进入人事部“百千万人才工程”一、二层次 ,并荣获教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划基金,2000年获国家杰出青年基金,2001年评为教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授, 2012年作为负责人入选国家基金委创新群体。
