主讲人: 祝华(英国伦敦大学伯贝克学院应用语言学教授 - 英国首位语言学华裔女教授)
讲座时间: 2015年6月24日19:00-20: 30
讲座语言: 英语(汉语解释)
讲座地点: 主楼7楼文学院励耘报告厅
主办单位: 北京师范大学文学院
主办人: 宋作艳 副教授
Negotiation as the way of engagement in intercultural and lingua franca communication: Frames of Reference and Interculturality
在跨文化和通用语言(包括以英语作为通用语言(ELF))交流中,语言往往变体多样,个人差异较大,并不可以预测, 因而双方更需要对参考框架和文化认同进行协商。本讲座探讨以 “协商”(Negotiation) 作为跨文化和通用语言交流参与方式的重要性及其意义。
The talk argues that Negotiation (capitalised to differentiate from negotiation as an activity type such as business negotiation) is the most important means of engagement in intercultural and lingua franca communication. In intercultural and lingua franca communication, thus also in English as a lingua franca (ELF), variability, heterogeneity and uncertainty are the norm, and therefore, the need to negotiate common frames of reference and cultural identity is greater than in other types of communication. By providing a Negotiation approach for intercultural and lingua franca communication, we are able to focus on individuals taking part in interactions along with their agency rather than cultural groups, the here-and-now nature of interactions rather than assumed or predicted course of actions, the resources individuals bring with them rather than problems, and the process rather than the outcome.
祝华,英国伦敦大学伯贝克学院应用语言学教授 - 英国大学里首位语言学华裔女教授。1988-1992就读北京邮电大学科技英语专业,获工科学士。1992-1995,北京师范大学外语系英语专业,英语语言学及英语教学专业硕士研究生,获文学硕士。1995-1997北京师范大学外语系英语专业,英语语言学博士研究生。1997-2000英国纽卡斯尔大学语病矫治系博士生,语言学博士。2000-2003英国纽卡斯尔大学语病矫治系Sir James Knott博士后研究员。2003-2006英国纽卡斯尔大学应用语言学讲师、高级讲师。2007-2009英国伦敦大学伯贝克学院应用语言学高级讲师,教授。
1997年到2006年期间专门从事儿童语言习得与障碍的研究。她所设计的汉语儿童语音习得测量表在包括台湾、新加坡等地华语地区广泛应用。她还对双胞胎儿童、有听觉障碍儿童等的语音习得进行了深入个案分析,出版了两部专著,并在《儿童语言学报》 (Journal of Child Language, SSCI)、《临床语言学和语音学》 (Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, SSCI)、《国际语言和交流障碍学报》 (International Journal of Language and Communication Disorder, SSCI),以及国内的《心理学报》和《心理科学》等核心期刊上发表了多篇论文,受到国际学术界广泛注视。此外,祝华教授对跨文化交流、语用学、礼貌用语等进行广泛系统的调查研究,在国际《语用学报》(Journal of Pragmatics, SSCI) 等发表了多篇论文。
祝华教授现任英国伦敦大学伯克贝克学院应用语言学系博士课程主任、英国艺术和人文研究基金委(Arts and Humanities Research Council)评审员。并兼任澳大利亚西悉尼大学、马耳他大学、中国华东师范大学,南京师范大学等大学客座教授。 英国国家新途径博士课程(NewRoute PhD)联席会副主任、《国际双语学报》(International Journal of Bilingualism SSCI) 书评编辑、《汉语语言与话语学报》(Chinese Language and Discourse)编委。
Dr Zhu Hua is Professor in Applied Linguistics and Communication at Birkbeck College of London University, where she is currently the Head of Department of the oldest university department of Applied Linguistics in England and Assistant Dean of School of Social Sciences, History and Philosophy. She was previously Senior Lecturer in Language and Communication at Newcastle University. Her research interests are intercultural communication, pragmatics, multilingualism and child development. She has published extensively in journals such as Journal of Pragmatics, The Modern Language Journal, Applied Linguistics, Multilingua, Language and Intercultural Communication, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, AILA Review, Journal of Asia-Pacific Communication, Journal of Child Language, Internal Journal of Bilingualism, and Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. She is author of Phonological Development in Specific Contexts (2002, Multilingual Matters) and Exploring Intercultural Communication: Language in Action (2014, Routledge); editor of Phonological Development and Disorders: A cross-linguistic perspective (2006, with Barbara Dodd; Multilingual Matters); Language Learning/Teaching as Social Inter-Action (2007, with Paul Seedhouse, Vivian Cook and Li Wei; Palgrave Macmillan), The Language and Intercultural Communication Reader (2011, Routledge), Research Methods in Intercultural Communication (to be submitted in Dec 2014, Blackwell) and Crossing Boundaries: Weaving Intercultural Work, Life, and Scholarship in Globalizing Universities (to be submitted in Feb, 2015, Routledge, with Adam Komisarof). She is Reviews Editor of International Journal of Bilingualism (Sage), and member of the editorial board of Chinese Language and Discourse (John Benjamins), Chinese as a Second Language Research (Mouton) and Language, Culture and Curriculum (Taylor & Francis). She is joint Series editor for Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication (Routledge, with Claire Kramsch).