[预告]03.17 中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心短期课程:学校效能

17.03.2016  11:02

  开课时间: 3月17日(周四)下午1:30-5:00、晚上6:30-8:30

  开课地点: 京师学堂第七会议室

  授课教师: Hans Luyten(荷兰屯特大学行为科学学院副教授、英国杜伦大学荣誉教授)



  1.School effectiveness and effects of schooling:
  -the hisotry of school/educational effectiveness research
  -school effects
  -the effect of schooling
  -empirical assessment of the effect of schooling

  2. Performance feedback to schools:
  -the (policitical) context that led to the rise of public accountability of government funded organizations
  -pupil monitoring system used in the Netherlands
  -the general ideas (theory) behind performance feedback
