
11.05.2015  14:11



题  目: 从数字脚印到社群智能 大数据时代的情景感知

时  间: 2015年5月13日(星期三)下午15:00 - 18:00

地  点: 教三楼203会议室


报告人简介: 张大庆 ,北京大学讲座教授, 国家“千人计划”入选者。1996年获得意大利罗马大学博士学位。曾任法国巴黎国立电信学院(Institute TELECOM)一级终身教授,法国科学院(CNRS)教授, 新加坡资讯通讯研究院(I2R)智能家庭实验室创建主任,情景感知系统部创建主任。主要研究方向包括普适计算、情景感知计算、移动计算及感知大数据分析等。在相关国际期刊、会议发表学术论文200余篇,论著5本。所创的情景感知模型被国际普适计算, 移动计算,和服务计算学术界广泛采用,文章单篇最高它引次数达1000余次(根据Google Scholar), 并被普适计算领域顶级会议IEEE PerCom 2013授予十年最具影响力论文(Ten Years CoMoRea Impact Paper Award)。近年来在“社群智能”(Social and Community Intelligence)这一新兴研究方向工作, 先后获得国际会议Mobiquitous 2011, IEEE UIC 2012, IEEE CPSCom 2013 最佳论文奖。现为ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Big Data等4个国际期刊的副主编, 担任过10多个国际会议的大会或程序委员会主席, 及普适计算顶级会议Ubicomp, PerCom程序委员会委员,应邀在10多个国际会议做大会特邀报告。


报告摘要 :As a result of the recent explosion of sensor-equipped mobile phones, the phenomenal growth of Internet and social network services, the broader use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) in all types of public transportation, and the extensive deployment of sensor network and WiFi in both indoor and outdoor environments, the digital footprints left by people while interacting with cyber-physical spaces are accumulating with an unprecedented speed and scale, resulting in “Big Data”.In this talk, I will present a new research direction called“social and community intelligence (SCI)”, as a natural extension of context-aware computing in the era of crowd sensing and big data, by making sense of various digital footprints. In particular I will discuss the major research challenges in this emerging field and introduce our recent work in big data analytics, including mining large scale taxi GPS data, mobile phone data and social media data for enabling innovative applications in smart cities.





