我校聘任埃克森美孚化学公司Andy H. Tsou博士为顾问教授

02.03.2017  11:44

2月27日上午,我校在逸夫会议中心一层多功能厅为美国埃克森美孚化学公司Andy H. Tsou博士举行顾问教授聘任仪式。副校长王峰出席。国际交流与合作处处长毛立新、人事处副处长赵春、材料科学与工程学院党委书记赵静、副院长于中振,以及100多名师生参加聘任仪式。聘任仪式由于中振副院长主持。

赵静书记介绍了Andy H. Tsou教授的履历及其研究成就,王峰副校长为Andy H. Tsou博士颁发北京化工大学顾问教授聘书,学生代表为Andy H. Tsou教授献花并佩戴校徽。Andy H. Tsou教授发表了热情洋溢的讲话,他表示自己能够被授予我校顾问教授称号深感荣幸,他一定会珍惜这份荣誉,不断加强与北京化工大学的交流与合作,为北京化工大学的人才培养和科学研究,尽自己的一份力量。随后,王峰副校长代表学校对Andy H. Tsou博士受聘为我校顾问教授表示热烈欢迎,他高度评价了Andy H. Tsou教授在材料领域取得的杰出成就,期待Andy H. Tsou教授的加盟能更好促进我校材料学科的发展与壮大,在人才培养和科学研究等方面为学校作出贡献。

聘任仪式后,Andy H. Tsou教授为在场师生带来了题为“Bimodal Comb Block Polyolefin Copolymers”的精彩学术报告,并耐心回答了在场师生们的提问。报告内容基础性和创新性强,给在场师生们留下印象深刻,受益匪浅。

Andy H Tsou 博士简介:
Andy H. Tsou, Ph.D., senior research associate of ExxonMobil Chemical Company at Baytown, Texas.  Andy received B.S. from National Taiwan University, M.S. from Penn State University, and Ph.D. from Purdue University, all in Chemical Engineering.  Andy has studied at University of Minnesota (twice) under the CIE (center of interfacial engineering) industrial fellowship and has done a sabbatical at EcolePolytechnique de Montreal. Andy has worked in the US polymer industry for 30 years, with more than 19 years on polyolefins, in the areas of manufacturing, research, technology, and research management and has commercialized four products thus far. Andy has over 90 US patents and patent applications and over 120 Journal publications. Andy has received cooperative research award from PMSE division of ACS in 2015, service award from rubber division of ACS in 2011, Sparks-Thomas award from rubber division of ACS, Frank Giblin Memorial Award in Polymer Analysis from SPE (society of plastic engineers) in 2000, and was featured in Essential 2 campaign by American Chemistry Council in 2007.  Andy has received a best paper award from ACS Rubber Division in 2002, a best symposium award from ACS Rubber in 2002, and a best paper award from SPE in 1995.